In the past, dog whistles were used mainly by gun dog and herding dog handlers. They are now being incorporated into use by many different varieties of dog trainers. Pet dog owners seeking to obtain better control with their dogs have also implemented their use.
Traditionally distance trainers would shout commands at their dogs at distances during hunting or shooting. Today the dog whistle is more efficient because it maintains distance control over the dog without scaring off the prey. It has a high frequency which dogs' ears can tune in on more easily than they can the human voice. There are many varieties of dog whistles sold today. Some are made of plastic and metal. The dog handler's choice will depend on the breed.
The thunder whistle and the silent whistle are two examples. The thunder whistle is similar to a referee's whistle. The silent dog whistle performs at a high frequency and is heard more easily by dogs than by humans.
Using the Whistle to Make Your Dog Return
You should possess the ability to recall your dog regardless of the circumstances. No matter what type of activity your dog was involved in when you call him to come back, never punish him. The dog always needs to feel that the experience of returning to you is a pleasurable one.
Getting your puppy to return during your recall training is much easier because they are afraid to wander long distances away. During this training period be sure to create a positive experience out of it for the puppy. Capture your dog's interest in while trying to get him to return. Use a high pitch voice, jump up and down and clap your hands to get your dog's attention.
The most important way of choosing which commands to teach your dog is to choose the ones that are going to be of the most benefit to you. Always be consistent with your signals. Some of the fundamental dog whistle commands are teaching the dog to sit at a distance, making the dog return to you, and sending your dog in a different direction.
The primary command for you to achieve during your training process is the distance sit. The dog is at his best attention when he is sitting. He is more likely to follow up on any command while in this position. Remember that when you are teaching your dog to sit y distance training take it slowly. Start with a short distance and as the dog learns his command increase the distance a step at a time.
Excluding the gun and herding dog handlers the majority of people are delighted to accomplish distance sits and distance recalls with their dog whistles.
Matt D Murren operates a Squidoo lens on dog training ideas Dog Training Ideas