วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Downhill Skiing -- Foods for Endurance on Ski Days

To ski strong, remain mentally alert, and have enough energy in reserve for the expert zones, you need to fuel and hydrate your body throughout the day. During a day of all-terrain skiing, your body can burn between 2,000 and 3,000 calories, depending on your weight, which is over and above the calories required for normal bodily functions. The energy needs to come from the food you eat before, during, and after skiing.

First, we’ll review the six essentials of life. Next, we’ll look at the foods an all-terrain skier needs to maximize his or her performance, as well as when to eat and hydrate throughout the day for endurance.

Forget the Atkins protein-only diet, skiers need loads of carbohydrates, which the body burns quickly and easily, to remain strong and alert on those double black-diamond runs. But you also need protein for sustained energy, as well as some fats. So, what you eat is of prime importance.

For starters, we’ll take a look at the six essentials of life and then we’ll calculate the calorie burn experienced by all-terrain skiers on a typical ski day. Next, we’ll determine the food that’s required by those same skiers to make up for the lost calories. However, eating the right foods, but at the wrong time of the day can actually be detrimental to your endurance. We’ll discuss when and how to eat and hydrate so you can maximize your performance and enhance your staying power.

The Six Essentials of Life

The five essentials of life that must come from the foods you eat are glucose from carbohydrates, amino acids for protein, and fatty acids from fats, as well as vitamins and minerals. The sixth essential is not actually a food, but a fluid, namely water. Now, let’s take a look at the six essentials in more detail.


While carbohydrates are a skier's main energy source, what most people overlook is the need to add protein. Protein has a time-release effect and stays in the system longer to provide a more sustained energy. Without it, you'll tire out quickly. Protein is one of the three basic calorie-providing foodstuffs, carbohydrates and fats being the others. Protein is made up of amino acids, each of which fuels a different body function.

For example, muscle proteins provide power. Furthermore, because muscle fibers are in part made up of protein, they need protein for repair. Protein mends the small muscle tears that naturally occur during strenuous exercise such as skiing, helping muscles to function at their maximum.


Fats are one of the three basic calorie-providing foodstuffs, carbohydrates and proteins being the others. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy in the diet, furnishing over twice the number of calories as carbohydrates or proteins.


Carbohydrates are a skier's main energy source, because they provide immediate fuel and are one of the three basic calorie-providing foods, proteins and fats being the others. The digestive tract breaks carbohydrates down into the simple sugar glucose, which enters the bloodstream and is the body’s main raw material for energy.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals regulate the body's metabolic processes that make energy. In other words, you have to have them to create energy. That in a nutshell is why they’re essential. Most sports experts agree that vitamins and minerals are an important part of skiing strong. While it may be tempting to use supplements, nutritionists recommend skiers look to simple vitamins and minerals from food they eat, which are generally safer than supplements and crucial to an active lifestyle, skiing included.


There's nothing more important for your body than water. Yet skiers largely ignore the benefit of hydration on the slopes. Why? One reason, people don't want to take time out from their skiing to go through the hassle of stopping at the lodge for a water break. The fact is that while you're skiing, you can lose 1 to 2 quarts of water per hour. If you don't replace it, your heart will be forced to work harder to compensate for the lower volume of fluids in your body. This extra exertion can cause quicker fatigue, including cramping, lost reaction time, coordination, and endurance.

The Caloric Burn of the All-Terrain Skier

The most important aspect of any food is its caloric value, where the calorie is a measure of the energy produced by food as it’s burned in the body. First, let’s figure out the number of calories that an all-terrain skier burns on a typical ski day.

The average person burns somewhere in the range of 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day just from normal bodily functions, without skiing at all. A 120 lb downhill skier burns approximately 342 calories per hour, while a 180 lb downhill skier consumes about 510 calories per hour. When you consider a five hour ski day, that same 120 lb skier burns 1,500 +1,710 = 3,210 calories per day, while that same 180 lb skier dissipates 2,000 + 2,550 = 4,550 calories per day. We’re not finished yet.

An all-terrain skier burns even more. Why? Skiing in the expert zones requires a greater expenditure of calories because one has to work even harder in the moguls, trees, and steeps. Let’s assume that our downhill skiers spend 40% of their day in the above terrain and the other 60% of the time on groomed trails. Let’s also assume that both skiers burn 50% more calories per hour when they are in the expert zones. If you’ve ever spent a couple of hours skiing in long, mogul fields and down dense, tree runs you’ll appreciate that a weighting factor of 1.50 is not out of line.

Our same 120 lb all-terrain skier burns 1500 + [(0.4 X 5) X (1.50 X 342)] + [(0.6 X 5) X 342] = 3,552 calories per day, while the same 180 lb all-terrain skier consumes a whopping 2,000 + [(0.4 X 5) X (1.50 X 510)] + [(0.6 X 5) X 510] = 5,060 calories per day. No wonder their bodies are screaming for food. We’ll use the above results in the next section, The Caloric Requirements of the All-Terrain Skier.

The biggest concern for skiers isn't overdoing it, but rather not getting enough calories. Many fall into the trap of skiing through meals, which can be far worse than eating too much. Food is a vital part of skiing strong, especially if you want to ski your best in the expert zones. If you don't eat regularly while you're on the slopes, your body won't be able to replenish its carbohydrate stores. Your energy level will be drop, and you'll be more susceptible to injury. So, all you expert skiers eat with gusto. Here’s what you need!

The Caloric Requirements of the All-Terrain Skier


Protein is a building block of life. Yet in the age of low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets, most people, including skiers, don't get enough. To ski your best, have optimal recovery, and have a great time, you need adequate protein in your diet. Complete protein animal sources are meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products. Complete protein vegetable sources are carrots, corn, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, sweat potatoes, peas, and cabbage, as well as soy. But just how much protein is enough?

The average 120-pound person needs about 43 grams of protein each day, while the average 180-pound person requires approximately 65 grams of protein each day. These amounts are recommended daily allowances for people who are basically sedentary. Some nutritionists recommend skiers consume 25 percent more protein than the recommended daily allowance, which may be somewhat conservative. There are other experts who suggest that skiers consume up to twice that amount.

Let’s use the 25% increase in protein consumption for downhill skiers, and then apply an additional weighting factor of 75% for our all-terrain skiers. So, our same 120 lb downhill skier requires 43 x 1.25 = 54 grams of protein per day, while the same 180 lb downhill skier needs 65 X 1.25 = 81 grams of protein per day.

Now, our 120 lb all-terrain skier requires about 54 X 1.75 = 95 grams of protein per day, and our 180 lb all-terrain skier needs approximately 81 X 1.75 = 142 grams of protein per day. We know there are approximately 4 calories per gram of protein, so the protein requirement in terms of calories is 4 X 95 = 380 calories per day for our 120 lb all-terrain skier, and 4 X 142 = 568 calories per day for our 180 lb all-terrain skier.

By the way, there is no chance of protein overload since skiing, especially all-terrain skiing, is such a high-endurance sport that there is little risk of getting too much.


Most people believe less fat is better, but health experts are now saying that eating too lean can starve your muscles, especially if you're a skier. Cold air beating against the body causes a rush of adrenaline that speeds up the metabolism of fat, making it even more essential to get enough. Making sure you consume the right amount of fat will help you stay warm and energetic on the slopes. How much and what type of fat should you eat?

Natalie Harris, a registered dietician in Boulder, Colorado says “Between 25 to 30 percent of your total daily energy needs” should come from fat sources. Let’s use 25 percent for our purposes. We also know that our 120 lb all-terrain skier burns approximately 3,552 calories per day. Therefore, about 888 calories should come from fat. Since there are 9 calories per gram of fat, this skier requires 98 grams of fat. Likewise, our 180 lb all-terrain skier consumes about 5,060 calories per day, so about 1,265 calories should stem from fat. This skier requires 140 grams of fat. What kind of fat should we eat?

Completely avoid Trans fats found in cookies, crackers, chips, and margarine in stick form. Limit saturated and polyunsaturated fat to a third of your fat intake. Saturated fats are found in animal products such as red meat, egg yolks, butter, lard, and shortening, as well as high-fat dairy foods and tropical oils such as coconut oil, while polyunsaturated fats include vegetable oils, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds. In the case of our 120 lb skier, that’s about 0.33 X 98 = 32 grams of saturated and polyunsaturated fat, while our 180 lb skier should consume about 0.33 X 140 = 46 grams of the same fats.

Eat mostly monounsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acids. The balance or 66% of your fat intake should come from these sources. Monounsaturated fats include olive and canola oils, olives, avocados, and most nuts, including almonds, filberts, peanuts, pecans, cashews, and pistachios. Sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include high-fat fish like salmon, herring, and sardines, dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseeds, as well as flaxseed and soybean oils. In the case of our 120 lb skier, that’s about 0.66 X 118 = 65 grams of monounsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acids, while our 180 lb skier should consume about 0.66 X = 92 grams of the same fats.


As mentioned previously carbohydrates are a main source of energy for the body, and the only source of glucose, which is used to make fuel for the cells in the muscles, brain, and nervous system. In addition, there are simple carbohydrates, as well as complex carbohydrates. We’ll be dealing with both in this lesson.

Simple carbohydrates include fruit and fruit juices, syrup, white and brown sugar, honey, soda pop, sports drinks, chocolate, candy, milk, and yogurt. Complex carbohydrates include potatoes, squash, grains such as oats, barley, corn, and rice, wheat and wheat products such as bread, pasta, and pancakes, breakfast cereals, fruits, and vegetables. So, how much carbohydrate does an expert skier need to consume?

We already know that our 120 lb all-terrain skier burns approximately 3,552 calories per day. We’ve calculated that about 888 calories should come from fat, and another 380 calories from protein. That means 2,284 calories should be consumed from carbohydrate sources. Our 180 lb all-terrain skier burns about 5,060 calories per day. This skier requires 568 calories from protein, 1,265 calories from fat, and 3,227 calories should to be eaten from sources of carbohydrate.

In addition, since there are approximately 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates, our 120 lb all-terrain skier requires about 540 grams of carbohydrates per day, while our 180 lb all-terrain skier needs nearly 765 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Vitamins and Minerals

We really don’t need to make any calculations for these groups. If you eat according to the plan in the next section you’ll get an adequate supply of both vitamins and minerals.


Skiers should drink at least 2 quarts of water per day and avoid caffeinated beverages. That’s equivalent to 8 x 8 fluid ounce glasses of water per day. Sounds like a lot of water, doesn’t it? Not really if you consider the following facts.

There are several ways in which your body loses fluids while you're skiing. If you're properly layered, you may not even feel as if you're sweating, but you are. The moisture from your body evaporates into the dry mountain air almost instantly. You also lose a lot of water in cold weather just from breathing.

Between sweating, breathing, and urinating, it's not uncommon to lose as much as 4 percent of your total body weight during a couple of hard hours in the expert zones, which is more than enough to affect your performance. For our 180 lb all-terrain skier, that’s equivalent to about 7 lbs of body weight. Since a gallon of water weights in at 10 lbs, that’s nearly 2.8 quarts of lost water. For our 120 lb all-terrain skier, it’s about 1.9 quarts of water.

But keep in mind that what you're drinking is just as important as how much. Be careful to stay away from diuretics, such as alcohol or anything with caffeine. Your body also needs a lot of water to process sugary drinks such as soda pop, which may also contain caffeine, and fruit juice. If you do quench your thirst with any of these drinks, you may actually be dehydrating your body. Be sure to drink extra water to balance it out.

Spread the Food Around

You know approximately how many carbs, proteins, and fats you need to eat each day for endurance in the expert zones, but one question remains left unanswered. How much do you need to consume at each meal? This all-important issue needs to be addressed since we want to incorporate the findings in the food guide that appears in the last section.

The expert skier never skips a meal because he or she realizes the consequences that can result. Even if you don't skip meals, just taking a quick lunch break won't cut it either. Skiers should eat three full meals each day they're on the slopes. The food plan in the last section recommends 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 7:00 PM.

But how big should each meal be? Conventional wisdom says you should eat earlier in the day by taking in more of your calories during lunch as opposed to dinner for the following reasons:

  • You give your body the food it needs when it needs it

  • You avoid the heightened fat storage that happens when you sleep

The above may be all right for sedentary folk whose only activity during the day is walking over to the water cooler. However, this approach fails to take into account the time lag between digestion and absorption of nutrients. In addition, the fat storage during the night is beneficial for the all—terrain skier since he or she can tap into these fat stores for the energy that’s needed throughout the morning.

Most people do just the opposite. They eat light at breakfast and lunch, and gorge themselves at dinner. This method provides enough energy in the early morning, but not nearly enough as the day progresses. What’s best for the all-terrain skier?

Actually a hybrid of the above approaches is best. For the all-terrain skier, the key is to provide the maximum amount of energy at the times when you’re caloric burn is the greatest. If you’re in the moguls, trees, and steeps between 10:00 and 11:00 AM in the morning, and again in the afternoon between 2:00 and 3:00 PM, these are the periods of time when you need the most fuel for performance and endurance. Put it another way, you’re metabolic rate is the highest during these times. The secret lies in the way you’re body digests different combinations of food.

An important point to remember is that the digestion of food is a process that demands more energy than any other bodily function or physical activity, and will rob you of the very energy that you need for skiing. Proper food combining dramatically improves your energy level. Here’s why?

The human body is not designed to digest more than one concentrated food in the stomach at the same time. Breads, grains, meat, dairy products, legumes, and so on are all concentrated foods. Any food that is not a fruit or a vegetable is concentrated. In light of this fact, proper food combining states that you should not eat more than one concentrated food at a time.

Fruit is not a concentrated food

Fruit demands practically no energy to be digested, because fruit does not digest but passes through the stomach in thirty minutes or less. In addition, fruit provides your body with an abundance of energy. Since it quickly makes its way into the intestines you will feel a boost within an hour after consumption. If you are an office worker, you'll stay alert and energized all morning. The all-terrain skier should start the morning with three pieces of fruit at around 7:30 AM, but this will not provide enough energy to last until lunch.

Breakfast should be a properly combined meal, without flesh

If food, other than fruit, is properly combined, it is fully digested in the stomach, and nutrients are absorbed from the intestines, and utilized by the body as energy. The way to ensure this is to have one concentrated food at a time, not two. For the layman, a properly combined meal, without flesh will take about 3 hours to go from digestion to utilization in the body. For the skier, with a higher metabolic rate, this same journey should take about 2 hours.

This is just what the expert skier needs at 8:00 AM in the morning. A plate of pancakes with syrup, and a side order of whole wheat toast with jam. Or, maybe a large bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar, and a side order of whole wheat toast with honey. These kinds of breakfasts are 90% carbohydrates, and as such are properly combined. It’s all right to combine a carbohydrate with another carbohydrate, or a starch with another starch.

Notice the absence of the ham, bacon, sausages, and eggs, which are all proteins. This breakfast will give you the boost you need from 10:00 AM until lunch at 12:00 PM, and should also provide your body with enough energy in the early afternoon from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM.

Lunch should be a properly combined meal, with flesh

For the layman, a properly combined meal, with flesh will take about 4 hours to go from digestion to utilization in the body. For the skier, with a higher metabolic rate, this same journey should take about 2 hours. This is just what the expert skier needs for endurance in the middle of the afternoon.

A properly combined meal, with flesh consists of meat, chicken, or fish with a salad and/or raw vegetables. In other words, the combination of a concentrated food, which is the meat, chicken, or fish, which contains protein, and a non-concentrated food, which is the salad or raw vegetables.

Instead, one could eat bread or pasta with butter along with a salad and/or raw vegetables, which is a combination of a concentrated food, in this case the bread or pasta, which contains carbohydrates, and a non-concentrated food, which is the salad or raw vegetables. Since you had a high carbohydrate loading at breakfast, perhaps it would be best to stick with the first alternative and get more protein at lunch, as well as some fat. The point is not to combine or mix the protein with the carbohydrate at this time of the day.

You may have to prepare this type of lunch at home or at your lodgings, and brown bag it. It’s unlikely you’ll find the above combination at a ski resort. Bring a bowl of salmon, along with a garden salad in olive oil. You could try two chicken breasts, and a bowl of raw carrots and celery sticks. You could eat a large slice of cold roast beef or a small steak, along with a tossed salad in flaxseed oil. The lunch will kick-in and give you the boost you need at around 2:00 PM, just when you’re back in the expert zones. It should provide your body with enough energy from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM.

Dinner will have to be an improperly combined meal

Steak and potatoes, fish and rice, sausages and pancakes, chicken and noodles, bread and cheese, pasta and meatballs, and so on are all improperly combined meals. They’re a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, which the stomach can’t handle at the same time. The implications for the all-terrain skier are two-fold.

First, he/she needs to increase the consumption of calories from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to balance the number of calories that were burned throughout the day. The only way to do this is to eat at least one improperly combined meal a day. It is best to have this mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, later in the day, preferable at dinner.

Second, even though evening and night are not high activity periods, our all-terrain skier needs to eat a lot at this time of the day so there is enough energy available for normal bodily functions throughout the night and some fat left over for use in the morning.

The fruit at 7:30 AM will digest and be absorbed by 8:00 AM. The carbohydrate from the fruit will be burned first and within about 60 minutes. So, the skier needs a source of energy from 9:00 AM until around 10:00 AM, at which time the all-carbohydrate breakfast will kick-in. This is more or less when most skiers start their ski day. Where does this energy come from?

The energy must come from the fat that’s stored from the previous night’s dinner. Remember, this improperly combined meal will take about four hours to pass from the stomach to the intestines. If the meal is eaten at 7:00 PM, it will be in the intestines at around 11:00 PM. It will take at least another ten hours for the food to make it to the intestines for absorption. Some of the carbohydrates and protein from the dinner are converted into fat and will be stored for use the next morning. When the skier begins his or her first run at 9:00 AM, he or she must draw from this stored fuel for sustenance until more energy is available from breakfast.

Hydrate Before You Thirst

You know approximately how much water you need each day to perform effectively in the expert zones, but a couple of questions remain. When should you drink and how much should you drink at each water break?

It takes about half-an-hour for the thirst response to kick-in, and even longer as your body ages or becomes accustomed to dehydration. In other words, by the time you get a craving to drink something, your body can be as much as 2 percent dehydrated, which means you could already be down a quart of water or more. The point is not to become dehydrated, at any time during the day. Just as you spread your intake of food throughout the day, so you should spread your consumption of water throughout the day.

Experts recommend you drink about 16 fluid ounces of water two hours before any physical activity, or 2 of the recommended 8 fluid ounce glasses before you start skiing in the morning. The food guide in the last section suggests one glass when you get up, followed by three pieces of juicy fruit, which provides the second glass of water you need. You should then continue to drink throughout the day, before you get thirsty.

Some Final Thoughts

There is no need to count calories as we’ve done in this lesson. The calculations were done to demonstrate the principles of proper food combining and the need to balance the calories you consume with the calories you burn.

This food regimen is for all-terrain skiers, who spend up to two hours per day skiing moguls, trees, and steeps, and who need to maximize their performance, as well as enhance their endurance. If you fall short of this time in the expert zones, cut back on the calories that you consume. Remember, the recommendations in this article are meant for ski days only.

About the Author

Jim Safianuk is a certified ski instructor and writer of the downhill skiing lessons in the course Skills of the Expert Skier. You are invited to visit their site to find out what their ski lessons are all about: http://www.BecomeAnExpertSkier.com/

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

10 Pro-Motion Tips For Artists

1.) Have a good-looking business card and always have it on you.

Make sure you have a card that represents you creatively and professionally. Don't overdo the text by trying to list all the facets of what you do. List the central and marketable aspects of who you are and email, number, and hopefully web site. ALWAYS have at least a few cards on you. Carry them in your purse or bag in a nice business card holder, and stash a few in each of your jackets. (Having to borrow a pen to write your contact info on a slip of random paper is not the first impression you want to make.) You want to make an impressive impression, so consider investing in a good designer, special paper, or a double-sided card. But don't be overly eager to hand your card to just anyone. Wait till it becomes apparent that there is a real connection, crossover or potential future benefit with the person and then hand them your card. If they give you their card, write a note on the back about them and any follow up. Keep your cards organized and do be pro-active and follow up.

2.) Be accessible and gracious to new people.

This is the first step to being a good networker. Artists/musicians/performers can be intimidating to approach. Projecting an 'i'm cooler than you' rock star persona may feel good to your ego, (and protect an underlying sensitivity or insecurity) but it won't make you feel accessible to being approached by people who appreciate your work or have an opportunity to offer you. If you have a tendency to shrink in crowds or hide in a tight circle of close friends, then practice making yourself more available and receiving feedback with humble appreciation. Confidence and generosity are magnetic. Always try to come from a heartful place when interacting with people at social events. This habit will lead to more allies and opportunities coming to you, and to a good social reputation.

3.) Be clear about what you do and have a compelling, efficient way of explaining it.

For those of us who are multi-talented-multi-faceted artists, it can be tempting to rattle off a long list when asked what we do. (The benefit of this tactic is that by putting out more of our interests there is more likelihood that the other person will connect with one of them. But the downside is that you end up sounding like a dabbler who hasn't really chosen your path yet, and not like a professional.) This doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue multiple creative channels simultaneously, but choose the one or two pursuits that are priority and that you want to be associated with and lead with these. Assume people want the nutshell version and elaborate when they ask. In the business world, this is called your Elevator Pitch. It is a trimmed down yet juicy rendition of what you do that can be shared in about 30 seconds. To get your nutshell speech, write up various ways of explaining what you are up to, get feedback from others, edit, and polish it till it is shiny. Then practice it with strangers in elevators and with friends until it feels natural and uncontrived. Then go forth and network!

4.) Make sure your Email List keeps growing.

Every show or public appearance you make is an opportunity to build up your email list. The importance of this cannot be underestimated. Through your list you will be able to promote upcoming events, announce and sell products, book gigs, and keep in touch with those who appreciate what you do. This list can be sitting on the back table next to your products and free gift and you can mention them both on the microphone. If you don't have a table, you can have your clipboard in your hands as people approach you, and signing your list gives them an immediate action to take. Have a word document (or email marketing program) that you add the new names and emails into after each event. If you have a web site, make sure you have an opt-in box where people can input their contact info. You can offer incentive to sign up by offering to send everyone a free _______ if they sign up on your list. When you are ready to launch a new tour or product or anything that needs attention, you will be very glad you did due diligence in growing your list!

5.) Have a freebie gift and product(s).

You want to build up name recognition and create a buzz, and giving something away ensures that you (and your art or music) go home with many people. If you are a musician you can give away a card with a link to a site where you are giving a free song download. If you are a poet or author you can give a poem, a pen, or a bookmark with your book info on it. (to promote my poetry book I give out a pretty bookmark with a poem on one side and book info on the other) If you are an artist you can have a sticker or postcard made with your art and your web site (in small print) to give away. Or you can sell your sticker, CD, prints, chapbook, etc... and convert an impressed audience into happy customers and money in your pocket.

6.) Have a web presence that you are happy with.

If you have the budget or skill, of course the ideal is to have your own well-designed fabulous personal web site. Even having a well designed splash page up and a link to your email is better than nothing. But putting up a bad amateur web site can also hurt your image, so don't be in such a rush that you skimp on quality. If you are a musician, you should have more than a myspace page to show off your music. Make your myspace page stand out and look great, and also find other places to post your music and profile. Consider learning a simple web design software, such as Dreamweaver. There are many affordable web templates available to customize and that can save a lot of time. Perhaps you can do a trade with a web designer. You can find qualified web designers & programmers on elance.com and guru.com for very low rates. Get creative in visioning and sketching designs for your home page and menu. Bring your sketches to any meetings with a designer to avoid confusions and frustrations. If you have a site and it needs an upgrade or an overhaul- prioritize it. Web presence is very important these days and in many cases has taken the place of the brochure, agent, and promo kit.

7.) Diligently document your work. Keep good records, and use them as promotion arsenal.

Keep track of the gigs you do, the people you collaborate with, the clients you work for, the training you receive, etc... Always get photos or video and choose the best and most dynamic of them to represent yourself. When you have a customer or fan raving about you, make sure their gushing gets on paper and then use it as a testimonial. If you do get any press coverage, make sure you get multiple copies of it and scan it into your computer to be added to your press/promo kit. All of the above used strategically in moderation in your promotional materials can add credibility, breadth, and zest to your image and reputation.

8.) Social Media Y'all

Social media can be more than an addictive time burning distraction. If done smartly, your social networking profile(s) can be a major asset in your promotional strategy.  They can get people interested in you, connected to you, and make them want to come to your shows or buy your products. It has never been easier to share yourself and your work with people all over the world than it is now with web 2.0. Take advantage of the many wonderful platforms available. If you have a video (and it doesn't suck), post it on youtube and be sure to include your name and web site in the text if not in the video. Post blogs and show dates and poems and creative offerings onto tribe, facebook, myspace, zaadz, linkedin, etc...If you have something to say and like to write- get a blog and keep it updated. Start a podcast or videocast or web radio show. Write articles and submit them to magazines and ezinearticles.com. Do a little research on the sites, publications and popular forum conversations in your field. Get in on the conversation, make your voice heard, and enjoy free online exposure.

9.) Be generous for exposure, and milk the exposure that you get.

When you are still getting established as an artist, you will want to say yes to most offers you get, even when they don't pay. You refine your craft and get experience, and document it. Even after you feel like you have 'done your dues' when you get asked to do something for free or lower than your asking rate, consider it. Will it give you promotional exposure? Is it for a good cause that you believe in? How much effort is involved? What can they offer you in place of money? Be generous for causes and for exposure, and make sure you get your promo plug or materials on their web site, your web site on the back of CD, brochure at front table at the event, etc...

10.) Stay so passionate about your art that none of the above feels like drudgery.

The truth is- promotion should feel easy or even effortless for something you have conviction and passion for. Do whatever you have to do to keep feeling that way about your art. Take breaks, polish or expand your skills, re-vision and re-vamp your image or your sound.  Work really hard at something uncreative for a spell so you appreciate your art that much more. Find new frontiers or collaborations that excite you. Whatever you have to do to keep the passion alive in your creationship with your art... do it!

Audette Sophia is a multidisciplinary artist and certified coach specializing in helping creative entrepreneurs synthesize their offerings into dynamically successful career strategies. She is also an educator and branding/promotional consultant.

Get a Free Promotion & Productivity Resource Package when you sign up for the Museletter

C.A. Blog- Creativity, Media, & Tools for the Creative Entrepreneur-

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sunglasses for Men!

Izod Sunglasses are great sunglasses for men that will match with any kind of outfit that you have. The particular Izod 733 does not have a rim on the bottom of the sunglasses. They are available in two different colors: gunmetal and black. These awesome sunglasses are made of metal and zyl. You can get a rectangular shaped lens with the Izod 735. If you have vision impairments, you will also be available to get them in progressive prescription lenses. The two colors that are available for the Izod 735 are black amber and tortoise.

Are you a big time golf player? If you are, then you may want to consider purchasing the “535s Sport Optics for Golf”. These sunglasses were designed to sort out red and blue lighting, but allow the green light to enter them. This can enable golfers to see both near and far away. They will help a golfer distinguish objects that are far in distance. These sunglasses are made of what we refer to as an “impact-resistant polycarbonate substrate.” This will offer you protection from harmful UV rays and also provide you with a reduced glare.

There are many options available to you when it comes to sunglasses. There are now sunglasses on the market reporting to help improve the moisture production in your eyes. If you are exposed to wind or any airborne particles, they will keep the moisture locked in your eyes! You can find this great new product from the company Panoptx DryEyeWear. These are very great sunglasses for extreme sportsmen!

Remember that when you are outdoors playing sports, it is very imperative that you wear sunglasses when you are in the sun. Every time you are outside in the sunlight for long periods of time, you are putting yourself at risk for eye impairments. Why would you not want to buy sunglasses with these awesome brands anyhow? They’re worth the safety and the looks!

Tim Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of Vision-Doctor.com an online website that offers discounts on contact lenses, eyeglasses, free information on LASIK eye surgery procedures and discount designer sunglasses that you can view in the privacy of your own home.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

What to Look For Before You Purchase Aero Beds Air Mattresses

What do you want in an air bed? The comfort and practicality! And that is the reason aero bed air mattresses offer are the biggest reason why many people have them or are in quest of finding one. When you are purchasing an air mattress there are many things that you should pay attention to.

The most important is for sure its size. You want to be able to fit it in particular space when it is needed and to make sure that whole person can fit on it (no body parts hanging in the air for lack of space).

Now this varies for everyone but it is important for you to set your mind on approximate size before buying it, because you are going to adjust toward your own needs. The quality of them depends on the thickness and material that it is made of. It is better the thicker it gets but the most common and the most suitable material is polyester although it is not too bad if it is for example covered with cotton.

Now, this given surface is not compulsory because you can anyway cover it when it is being used but surly is more adequate. Pay special attention to anti-allergic sign. Some people can have allergic reaction on material so it would be the best if you would check whether it is safe for everyone before ordering.

Pressure is important as well. You don't want to buy something that cannot carry bigger amounts of mass, therefore search for those that can handle bigger pressure.

There are available Aero Beds Air mattresses with pressure up to 650Ibs so try to get some with the approximate amount. Some offers are indicating time needed for inflating but less time doesn't mean better quality. It is not really that important whether it takes 1 or 2 or 5 minutes to fill it with air because most of them are filled up in less than 5 minutes with the built in pump as well as electric pump. It really takes small amount of time so I would not recommend you to pay a lot of attention on this characteristic, what is a minute or two extra.

Same goes for packing. All aero beds air mattresses can be packed and stored when not being used. Hence pay attention weather air pump is additional or you should buy it as a separate item. The bottom line is, you can never make huge mistake when purchasing an Aero Beds air mattress.

There are many Aero Beds Air mattresses available online at lower prices.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Vellux Blankets - An Allergy Sufferers Dream

If you are like me and suffer from miserable allergies, a vellux blanket may be your answer for bedding problems. It makes for a great year round blanket. Here are some tips on how a vellux blanket can help.

Finding a good hypoallergenic blanket can often times be difficult at best. So many of these blankets and linens just don't stand up to the wash machine, let alone the every day use on a child's bed.
Vellux has so many benefits including:

-Hypoallergenic and withstands dust mites

-Very durable and long lasting

-Extremely soft and lightweight

-Low cost compared to other blankets

The vellux blanket is made up of nylon surface hairs. In fact, you'll find these blankets containing millions of nylon hairs. These hairs are in addition to polyurethane foam that also gives the blanket its soft feel.

You will also discover that this type of blanket is in use at many of this nations finer hotels. It reflects the type of quality and durability you can expect.

One of the most unique aspects of this blanket is how it gets softer as you wash it in the wash machine.

For those who are more hot blooded in nature, the vellux blanket is a great alternative to heavy comforters for sleeping at night.

Of course, protecting your family from dust mites and allergies is what separates this blanket from the rest. And you'll find that when it comes time for doing just that, the vellux blanket is at the top f the list.

So, if you are looking for a hypoallergenic blanket that is also soft and durable, take a look at the vellux blanket.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website as long as the author's name and all website links remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

You can learn more about Vellux Blankets as well as much more information on all types of blankets at http://www.BlanketsA-Z.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Sedu Hair Straighteners- Can They Help Straighten Your Hair?

Sedu hair straighteners are one of the best products on the market that can help you get frizz-free, smooth and silky hair. The smooth plates that Sedu hair irons have ensure that the straightening occurs without any pulling or discomfort. The ceramic plates generate a high concentration of negative ions and the plates heat up within seconds to your desired temperature. Both these aspects help you to reduce the time and effort that goes into hair straightening.

Sedu hair straighteners use tourmaline, a precious stone that helps in the release of a large number of negative ions. These negative ions ensure that there is no damage to hair and that the hair becomes smoother, shinier and silkier. And it is purported that the time taken to straighten hair with a Sedu hair iron is half of the time taken by regular irons.

While most other irons deplete the hair of moisture and leave it dull after the straightening process, Sedu hair straighteners use a new technology that ensures that the moisture stays in the hair, making the hair shiny and smooth.

The iron is made from ultra lightweight metal that has high tensile strength. It is molded in an ergonomically designed fashion so that handling and holding the Sedu hair straightener becomes extremely easy. It has a long chord attached to a pivot that keeps it from tangling.

The Sedu hair straightener comes in various models and can be adjusted to temperatures ranging from 250oF to 410oF so that it can be used for fragile, thin, normal, wavy or highly frizzy hair. The setting of the Sedu hair iron can be adjusted to low for the fragile, thin or damaged hair. The medium setting can be used for normal hair and the Sedu hair straightener can be set at high temperature for those who want to tame coarse, thick, long or frizzy hair.

The Sedu hair straightener can be used not only to straighten hair but also to curl your hair in or out. You can control your hair better to achieve a flat look, a soft curl look or a turn in or turn out. It has been the preferred choice of many salons and can now be purchased by the public to get the same salon look at home.

All in all, Sedu hair straighteners can be used on all hair types, to make hair more silky, smooth and straight while ensuring that there is no hair damage due to heat.

Discover how to get silky smooth straight hair at http://www.seduhairstraightenersreview.com you will find tips and reviews on Sedu hair straighteners and tips on how to create celebrity Sedu hairstyles.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Cheap Contact Lenses for Halloween - Tips for Success

Everybody is always trying to top their Halloween costume
from last year with something even wilder and crazier. You
may have noticed costume contact lenses that are available
with all kinds of different scary effects for Halloween.
They’re really great if you want to scare your friends, but
when you get ready to buy some cheap contact lenses for
Halloween, just make sure you follow some important tips
to avoid any problems.

Tip 1 – Getting The Right Fit

When you are about to order some cheap contact lenses for
Halloween, you’ll notice that they can appear to be one-
size-fits-all. Be careful! Some suppliers sell them this way,
but you may want to avoid those companies because a one-
size-fits-all attitude towards contacts can be dangerous to
your eye health. You can probably buy crazy colored
contacts without any problem. But before you do, get a
prescription first, and order only from places that can
provide your prescription. Your doctor’s prescription is
basically a description of the shape and size of your eye,
which is necessary to make sure that the lenses you order
will fit your eye, and not cause any rubbing, injury or
infection to your eyes.

Tip 2 – Making The Right Choice

Once you have your prescription and you’ve found a
company that can provide it, you’ll want to pick the right
lenses to coordinate with whatever costume or theme
you’ve selected for Halloween this year. If you wear a
clown outfit, you don’t want eyes that look like a zombie or
vampire (unless, of course, you want to be a scary clown).
Keep your costume in mind when you select the style of
contact lenses you want to order. There are all kinds of
crazy, colored lenses to choose from for this. If you’re
going to be a ghost or something else scary, you can order
zombie lenses, pitch black contact lenses, fire, bloodshot
eyes, or something similar. If your theme is fun, like Mardi
Gras or patriotism, try red spirals or red-white-and-blue,
among other possibilities.

Tip 3 – Following The Right Instructions

When you order your cheap contact lenses for Halloween,
you may have the false impression that you don’t have to
take care of them like you do with regular prescription
contact lenses that someone might wear for vision
correction. This is a false assumption that many people
make. If you don’t exercise normal care and caution with
your cheap special effects lenses, you may regret it because
you can end up with eye infections or injury as a result. To
avoid these unfortunate consequences, never share your
lenses with anyone else. Don’t wear them for lengths of
time that are beyond the time periods they are designed for;
for example, if they are daily lenses, don’t try to keep them
in 24-hours-a-day like extended wear lenses. Also, if you
plan to re-use them more than once, take care to clean them
properly and store them overnight in a good contact lens

Cheap contact lenses for Halloween are great for having
fun and saving money. Just remember the above tips and
you’ll be able to enjoy a safe and happy Halloween. Your
eyes are one of the most important assets you have. Don’t
risk them by getting cheap lenses without a prescription, or
being careless in how you wear or clean them. A little
effort is all it takes to be safe and healthy, and to have a
great Halloween, listening to the blood-curdling screams
when your friends see your bloodshot eyes, pitch black
mirrored eyes, or whatever ghastly delight you decide to
choose for your costume.

James Perez is the webmaster for http://www.aa-contact-lenses.com an informative site about contact lenses. Get more information on Contact Lenses for Halloween.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Samsung 50-Inch 1080p DLP HDTV Review

Are you thinking of buying a Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV?

This is a popular DLP HDTV model, and is a bestseller in many different shops. It has been around for just over half-a-year, and the customer base and comments has grown enough that we can now get a good feel for its pros and cons. I've consolidated a number of customer reviews from around the net. Overall opinion is that HDTV model is good and cheap, but not perfect.

Here is a useful rule of thumb: If you want to buy a HDTV, find out the watching distance in feet and multiply that with 5. That's the size of the screen you need. For example, if your watching distance is 10 feet, 10 times 5 is 50. So choose a 50-inch TV.

Good Points

Even when Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV first came into the market, it was one of the cheaper 50-inch HDTVs. Now that the model is half-a-year old, it is even cheaper if you buy it from online retailers like Amazon. You are likely to see about $500 of savings off the list price. You also save on certain taxes and shipping costs. Additionally, if you find that the price has dropped between the time you bought the TV and the time you received it, you can ask the retailer to refund the difference. Reputable companies like Amazon actually honor such requests.

Although electronics tend to become obsolete quickly, this HDTV was leading edge when it came out. It already had 1080p resolution - many broadcasters are still catching up to this latest standard. Even now, its technology is quite advanced, and will likely remain so for the next few years.

Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV uses an advanced technology called LED light engine. What it means for you is that the pictures are clear and detailed, and the colors look natural and true. Movement and action is much better rendered compared to normal LCD technology, and you won't see blurring or loss of detail. This HDTV also does well in bright rooms with considerable daylight penetration.

The built-in 2-speaker surround sound is of good quality. Do make sure the surround sound mode is turned on. HD broadcasts received over a simple, cheap, indoor antenna look great. Other content (Regular DVDs, SD/HD broadcasts, Nintendo Wii, DVD, Xbox 360, etc.) also look fantastic.

You probably already know its dimensions: 45.2"(W) x 31.8"(H) x 13.4"(D) 61.3 Lbs. This 50-inch DLP HDTV is thinner than many of its competitors, and is light enough for 2 persons to move around.

There are abundant connection inputs for HDMI, S-video, RGB component, digital, optical and analog sound, and RCA jacks, and they are located on the right side of the set for convenient access - this makes it easy to hook up. Unfortunately, this can be an issue if you place your TV in a cabinet.

Samsung 50-inch DLP HDTV is pretty user-friendly. The user manual is good and extensive (although not written for novices). The remote is intuitive and the menu system is straightforward. Note that it may not have as many functions as more expensive systems.

Its pretty quiet, since it uses LED light sources instead of the more normal bulb and color wheel of most other DLPs. Since the LED engine is cooler and more energy-efficient than the bulb and color wheel, Samsung 50-inch DLP HDTV also doesn't need a powerful cooling fan. Overall, you get good energy savings - it is Energy Star rated. Another good point is that the LED lasts longer than the bulb of normal DLPs (which need to be changed every 2 or 3 years).

Some of you might be nervous about getting faulty goods by buying from online retailers. The big and reputable companies like Amazon usually have a 30-day guarantee period. When any problems crop up, they have a good reputation of honoring their commitments to replace or refund the TV. If you are not certain about your online retailer, you can check their reputation with the Better Business Bureau.

Problems Encountered By Customers

Buying this DLP HDTV is not perfect, though. Customers have reported 3 main kinds of problems.

1) Delivery & Service Problems:

a) Some customers complain about not receiving their TVs. This is more likely to happen with online retailers with their more complex supply chain and delivery procedures - either their orders were not received by the vendor supplying the TV to the online retailer, or the delivery agent did not receive the correct delivery from the vendor, etc. There are precautions you can take to minimize problems (see the section below).

b) Sometimes you get an incompetent or lazy deliveryman. He may not be able to find the place you live. Or he may not want to deliver to your doorstep. Or he may just drop your TV off at your doorstep and refuse to carry it in for you. On the other hand, there are also stories of deliverymen who go beyond the call of duty - they help you to move your old TV to its new location, then they bring your new Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV in and install it for you. Then the even take away the packing crate for you. Sometimes they do it for free, sometimes you have to pay them a few bucks extra.

c) There are also some complaints of poor customer service from Samsung. It is typical of any large company's service - when you get a good Customer Representative, you get good service. It helps if you get their name ahead of time before you start telling them about your problems or asking them questions. If you get a jerk, you get lousy service. Don't get mad, get their name, and escalate to their boss. If that doesn't work, get a refund or replacement from your retailer.

2) Quality Control Problems affecting some individual TVs:

a) The dreaded "blue-halo" effect, which basically is a blue-ish area of light that becomes visible in dark areas of high-contrast scenes, around the lower center of the screen. This seems to be caused by a ring around the lens of the projector that should be black, but is reflective silver in some TVs.

b) There is a "hot" or bright spot in the middle of the screen and the center is a little brighter than the edges.

c) When the entire screen is one color, sometimes the four corners of the TV fade in brightness.

d) The image is skewed (left side lower than the right), there is a noticeable green tint that is not correctable via any of the user settings.

e) Picture shuts off for minutes or hours at a time - which can be a motherboard problem.

f) Spots on the screen - which can be an unfixable LED light engine problem.

If the problem crops up well within the online retailer's guarantee period (typically 1 month), then call Samsung customer service and they will send a technician in about 2 working days to fix the problem. Otherwise, make good use of your retailer's guarantee period to get a replacement. Reputable online retailers like Amazon are pretty good about honoring their guarantees without hassling their customers.

3) Problems with the model or DLP HDTV technology which affect all TVs:

a) SD images via digital cable (connected via HDMI) are sometimes a little pixellated.

b) Small amount of curvature on horizontal lines right at the top of the set (which is a common artifact with this type of set) - not generally noticeable.

c) Minor incompatibility with 480p resolution settings and DirecTV (call your DirecTV customer service to get some satellite technicians to figure this out)

d) Echo if you have both TV speakers & surround sound speakers on and the volume is high. Just mute the TV, or use 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound.

e) When viewing non-HD programming in 4:3 mode there are a set of double lines at the edge of the image. This may be too distracting for some people.

f) When playing a letterbox or widescreen DVD the 16:9 or Zoom settings are a little off. The center of the image at the top is nearly 3/4 inches lower than at the ends creating a slight "U" shape or concave appearance. This can also be very distracting for some people.

g) Slight geometry problems (noticeable bowing towards the top center portion of the screen)

h) On non-stretch mode with SD (where you have a black bar down each side of the picture), the sides of the image are bowed in a little bit.

i) Viewing angle is limited, which sucks if you have a large number of people gathered around it. Just make sure that you're in the center and can see the screen. The viewing angle is good to about 140 degrees, although it is best up to 90 degrees. Still, this is supposed to be the normal level of performance for DLPs. Basically, the best seat is the sofa in front of the TV, although anyone on the love seat has just as good a picture.

Precautions To Take

1) If you buy from an online retailer like Amazon, make sure the TV is sold directly by Amazon. Amazon sometimes acts like a storefront for other companies. This means that you are the other company's customer, not Amazon's. How can you tell? Look for this sentence on the 1st page after Amazon lists the "Price" of the TV - "Availability: In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon.com." Other online retailers should have something similar.

2) Print the receipt. Although this is common sense, sometimes we forget. Or something else happens, for example, your printer breaks down. If this happens, just take a screen capture and save the picture to Microsoft Word.

3) Remember: You are probably buying online to take advantage of lower costs and free shipping. Don't expect 5-star service. Take the initiative to find out the contact of the actual supplier and delivery agent so that you can keep track of your order and delivery. Call the online retailer's customer support if you have any doubts.

4) If you think there is a problem with your Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV, take advantage of the 30-day guarantee period to get a replacement or refund. Don't suffer problems for 3 months before complaining. By this time, it is too late.

There were so many customer reviews on the Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV on the internet that I became confused. So I decided to consolidate and summarize them, Samsung 50-inch 1080p DLP HDTV, so that I could make sense of things.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Buy Halloween Contact Lenses Online

Ever wanted to spice up your look for Halloween, or to do something unique for parties? Have you ever considered contact lenses to alter the way other people perceive your eyes, or to add to a great costume? With cheap halloween contact lenses becoming more common than ever, this year is a great opportunity to do just that.

Contact lenses are simply discs, usually made out of plastic, that stay on your eye with the help of suction from the eyeball and tear fluid that attaches them to the surface. This is why blinking or eye drops often alleviate contact problems. They don't fall off and follow your eye movements, making them ideal for those with glasses.

Contact lenses are mostly corrective in nature; that is, usually worn by people with glasses. However, not everyone wears them to fix vision problems. There are lenses available to change the color of your eyes, to help you see better during athletic events, and for Halloween costumes. The key word to look for when adding to your costume is cosmetic lenses or theatrical lenses. One popular brand is Wild Eyes by CIBA Vision, which also makes regular contact lenses.

When choosing lenses of this type, it is important that you are properly fitted for them by an optometrician. When you blink, the colored part of the contact lens may slide over your pupil, obscuring sight, a common occurrence that can easily be avoided. It is also important that you obtain a prescription for even decorative lenses, as it is required by the FDA. Also make sure you buy them in credible sources such as online sites that are secure or an optometrist's office.

One type of popular lens for Halloween is cat eyes, which make the pupil look larger than it really is by covering it in black and surrounding the white of the eye with yellow. Another cheap Halloween contact lens is Hypnotica. Hypnotica is another great choice for dressing up as a warlock or witch. It creates a swirl of black and white in your eye that will mesmerize bystanders. If you are going for the cartoon effect, go for knockout lenses, which "replace" your pupil with a black "X", as often seen in cartoon shows.

Other standout choices include red eyes, orange eyes, zebra patterns, spider webs, smileys, and stars. All of these are great choices to match with a variety of costumes. Just make sure the party you are attending isn't held in pitch-black conditions!

If you simply want to change the color of your eye to match your costume, tamer options are available. These lenses are also colored, but only so much as to change your eye color to other normal colors. There are several options with these: visibility tints, enhancement tints, and color tints.

All provide a different level of change, and will show differently. For example, if you naturally have brown eyes but would like to really stand out, changing your eyes to violet or green will make everyone notice.

As with all contact lens choices, even if you do not have vision problems, it is important to see an optometrist and explore your options, as well as seek advice about various colors of lenses that will work best for you. If you choose to wear lenses with your costume this Halloween, don't share them with anyone and keep them clean, so you don't wind up with a monster of an eye infection!

From getting a prescription to finding a trusted website, buying contact lenses online can be difficult! If you're looking for cheap halloween contacts we can help. Visit us online at Discount-Lenses.com today!

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วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Emerson Police Knife Review

The Emerson Police fixed blade knife is made to stand up to the rigors of daily law enforcement and emergency use. Praised by police officers around the world for it's rugged design and dependability, I decided that it was time to get one of my own. Here are my thoughts:

What I like about the knife:

1. The 3.60 inch blade is long enough to give you massive cutting power, but small enough to be legally carried almost anywhere. It is well balanced and feels very natural in your hand.

2. Crafted from 154 CM steel, my blade was razor sharp right out of the box and continues to hold a great edge after many uses. The V ground blade (similar to hollow grind) is very strong and helps the knife to get sharp and stay sharp.

3. The jimping or thumb grooves on the back of the blade give you added cutting power, especially when you need to make precise cuts, or tear through something quickly (such as a seatbelt).

4. Emerson uses a black powder coat on their Polices knives, which serves as an anti-reflectant and anti-rust feature.

5. You have the option of either plain or half-serrated edge when you buy the Emerson Police knife. The serrations come in handy during an emergency situation and when its not necessary to make a "pretty" cut.

What I didn't like:

I have no complaints about the Police knife. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite fixed blade knives on the planet.


With a suggested retail value of $239.95, the Emerson Police knife is well worth every penny. If you need a knife that is dependable when seconds count, go with the Emerson Police knife.

You can get an Emerson Police Fixed Blade Knife for $189 or less at my website http://www.KnifeSell.com

Thanks for reading,

Santiago Gutierrez http://www.KnifeSell.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Xyron Wishblade - Why You Really Should Be Wishing For One

Since Die Cutting Machines are all the rage at the moment in Scrapbooking, I thought I should review the Xyron Wishblade to see how it stacks up compared to some of its other popular electronic die cut machines, like the Cricut Expression and the Making Memories Slice. It is easy to see why scrapbooking die cut machines are so popular at the moment. They make a scrapbooker's life so easy and can produce amazing results on your scrapbook pages. The Cricut Machine, at the moment I would have to say is the leader in the computerized die cutting machine market. However there are other brands on the market, like the Xyron Wishblade, that I honestly think need to be considered as well.

However with the popularity of the the Cricut range of die cutting machines, like the Cricut Create, Cricut Expression and Cricut Personal, many people don't both looking twice at other brands. However some of the lesser known brand names, like the Xyron, do have some wonderful features to offer, as long as you can handle not having the designer brand name.

The main issue with the Cricut range of die cut machines is that you have to be constantly buying new cartridges to have a good collection of fonts and shapes available to cut for your scrapbooking project. The initial outlay for the Cricut machine is reasonable, however each cricut cartridge costs around US$80, which adds up very quickly to become a costly scrapbooking addiction. Most likely you will get bored with one or two cricut cartridges of the same shapes and fonts, so you most likely would want to own around 10 cartridges. This is unfortunately out of the budget of many scrapbooking enthusiasts.

Now enter the Xyron Wishblade Cutter. The upfront cost of Xyron's computerized die cutting machine is a touch more than the Cricut Die Cut Machine, however you can cut any freely downloadable true type font or clip art image that you can lay your hands on, from the internet. You are also able to swap files with other Wishblade users. Anything that is on your computer is also able to be cut. Due to this great feature, a big community of online wishblade users has sprung up, to take advantage of this useful machine.

So if you are serious about building a collection of fonts and shapes and you want lots of variety without the expense, then perhaps this is the better machine for you, as the ongoing costs of the wishblade for the wonderful variety it offers, is much less than the Cricut Die Cutting Machine.

However like all products in the scrapbooking market, there really is no perfect solution of course. The Xyron Wishblade is wonderful, as it cuts the same as the Cricut Machine in most cases, and is also much cheaper in the long run. However, it does have a major disadvantage. If you like to share your die cutting machine with your friends, or often attend large scrapbooking events and scrapbook days... the Xyron Wishblade unfortunately isn't as portable as the Cricut Die Cut Machines. The Wishblade has to be hooked up to a computer to be used, as it relies on your computer memory storage for the range of fonts and shapes it can cut. So if you want to take your Wishblade with you, your computer has to come along too. Lets hope you have a laptop handy!

The Cricut Die Cut Machines on the other hand, do not need a computer, only the cartridges. So if it is portability you are after, perhaps the Xyron Wishblade won't be your best choice for a scrapbooking die cutting machine. If it is variety at the right price you want, then take a serious look at the Xyron Wishblade.

Jenny James is a scrapbooking addict who bought her first machine, the Sizzix Original Die Cutting Machine many moons ago. Now she takes her passion for scrapbooking die cut machines to her review website die-cutting-machines.com. Here you can also purchase the Xyron Wishblade.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Swarovski Optik - Nature Through Lenses and Conservation

Swarovski Optik, an off-shoot of the famous Swarovski crystal company, makes a variety of viewing instruments such as binoculars, telescopes, and optronic instruments. One of Swarovski's main product lines are scopes marketing to nature watchers and photographers. These scopes allow the nature lover to view wildlife up close and even take incredible pictures. However, in addition to manufacturing tools to help people get closer to nature, Swarovski as a company also has close ties to the environment and nature.

The Swarovski Philosophy

Swarovski is headquartered in Tyrol, Austria, which gets all its electricity from hydropower. The area around Tyrol is full of mountains, forests, glaciers, and other monuments of nature, so it's no wonder that the folks at Swarovski Optik have developed an affinity for nature and the environment over the years. It is also no wonder that these same nature lovers began to specialize in equipment designed to capture wildlife in all its glory.

In addition to loving nature, Swarovski Optik's published business philosophy includes a commitment to the environment. The company employs the use of environmentally friendly manufacturing procedures and also supports many conservation projects worldwide. This love of and protection of nature gives the company a common goal with its customer, and perhaps is one of the reasons Swarovski Optik has built up such a reputation for quality, user-friendly products.

Swarovski Nature Projects

There is one WWF station for birds of prey in all of Austria, and it is successful due in part to Swarovski's support. This station focuses on breeding the bearded vulture, which almost became extinct during the last century.

In addition to this station, Swarovski has initiated or supported numerous conservation efforts worldwide. Currently, Swarovski is working together with the Hornbill Foundation to build nesting aids for the hornbill population in Thailand. The goal is stabilize the population of this exotic bird, which has declined rapidly in the middle of the 1990s.

Swarovski also purchased a large piece of land in Poland for BirdLife, which is a partner organization of the company. This land is located on Karsiborska Kepa, an island just off of Poland that has a large area of unruined wetlands. Since the wetlands are disappearing around the world, this piece of land has become a sanctuary for 114 species of wetland birds. The number of species inhabiting this wetland is projected to grow as more and more wetlands are invaded by saltwater or human inhabitants.

There is a small area of Colombia that is home to one of the most endangered species of hummingbird in the Americas. That bird is the colorful puffleg, and Swarovski Optik has come forward to act as the protector of this tiny flitter. It is estimated that there are not more than two hundred and fifty colorful pufflegs remaining the entire world. In order to protect these birds from extinction, Swarovski has purchasing a large piece of land in Colombia to be used as a protected habitat. In addition to the rare colorful puffleg, there are sixteen other species of bird located in this land that are endangered, as well as two species of frogs.

In addition to supporting nature conservation by provide finances or buying land for protected habitat, Swarovski also lends its optic resources to the fight as well. One of the most endangered species on earth is the black rhinoceros. It is estimated that there are only two thousand black rhinos remaining in the world, and most of those live in Namibia. Since the black rhino was endangered due almost entirely to poaching, game wardens in and around national parks in Namibia keep a close eye on these big creatures. In order to help with this, Swarovski supplies these game wardens with state of the art telescopes, long-range binoculars, and even night-vision. Swarovski has also created watering holes in the area for the rhinoceros.

Swarovski has even brought its conservatory efforts to the United States. In conjunction with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Swarovski founded the "Migratory Bird Conservancy", which is now being supported by over thirty other companies related to bird watching.

When Swarovski Optik says it is committed to the environment and those who love nature, they are not just leading into a sales pitch. They back up this commitment with a history of conservation and support, which gives them a great bond with their customers, many who love nature just as much as the maker of their telescope.

Rob Rich is the president and CEO of MEI Research, a Temecula, California- based company with many lighting/equipment manufacturing property supply for consumers, businesses, and the military. For more information on swarovski & telescope, check out http://www.meioptics.com/

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วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Nokia N73: With High End Multimedia Capabilities

The Nokia N73 is the best equipped handset we have seen and is simply the king of all mobiles.An exceptional internet browser, high class display and the 3.2 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics are the best features of the handset. The extensive functions of the N73 like photo camera, simple video calls camera, web browser, MP3 player, etc make it a multimedia computer.The high quality camera would alow you to madly take photos of anything remotely attractive or interesting.Whats more!! there's a Carl Zeiss autofocus lens which makes for sharper photos.

The Nokia N73 has top notch reception, an active toobar interface allows one-touch selection to share photos via e-mail, Bluetooth or MMS. The phone is equipped with stereo speakers and has dedicated controls for zoom, review and capture. Whats even amazing is the Nokia XpressTransfer that keeps your image collection organized on the PC. The integrated stereo speaker lets you enjoy the 3D sound effects.

We were quite impressed with results in pitch black conditions using the built-in LED flash, which is used for auto-focussing as well as taking the actual picture. The light weight Nokia N73 not only travels with you, but also has intuitive functionality for additional ease-of-use. The one pocketable device, Nokia N73 meets a multitude of the everyday user's needs.

Nokia N73

Nokia N73 mobile phones available at mobile rainbow which is a bestmobile phone shop in uk.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Tips for Hiring a Professional Photographer - Building a Sense of Rapport

Most of the time, you don't need to hit it off with your vendors. As long as they provide quality products on time, it's enough. Photographers, though, are another story. Theirs is a personal service and you'll be working intimately with the one you hire. So how their personality meshes with yours is an important factor when making your selection. With so many photographers in Vancouver, it can be difficult to make that choice. Here are some things to keep in mind as you search for the photographer who has that special blend of quality work and a sense of rapport with you.

Once you've perused dozens of portfolios, websites and packages you will want to whittle your field of photographers down to a shortlist. To narrow your list to two or three candidates, remember the first two tips I previously mentioned: Photographers should have professional equipment and should list what they use somewhere on their website; and if you're seeking a primarily digital photographer, your candidates should have a mastery of digital techniques to give you optimum and uniquely crafted images.

After you've made your shortlist, contact the photographers to check on their availability for your event. If their schedules are clear, you should set up appointments to meet with each candidate. You'll start to get a feel through their communication skills on how well they match your personality. Also pay attention to indications of their level of professionalism. Photographers should get back to your email within a day or two - and preferably much sooner - when you first query. If you telephone, getting their voicemail isn't unusual (if they're on the job they wouldn't be taking calls) but you should hear from them in a timely manner.

When you meet, is it a personal visit - ie. are you treated like a guest in their office or studio? - or is the photographer all business? Either approach is fine, but it's about what works for you. Do you laugh easy with each other? Are questions answered to your satisfaction?

Perhaps most importantly is the sensation of genuineness you do or do not receive from your candidates. You want information and communication from your photographer not a sales pitch. By the time you meet each photographer on your list you would have received some material on prices and products, so any drastic reduction in those prices to get you to sign immediately would be an indication of a hard-sales tactic. I've encountered hard sells in my life and inevitably either the quality of the final product was compromised or my enjoyment of it was diminished. So it's not something I push on my potential clients, ever.

Once you decide to hire a photographer, you will typically be asked for a small deposit. A contract will be prepared for you to sign either on the spot or in the week ahead depending on how much customization is involved in your order.

Other questions to answer in order to help you understand if you've got a good rapport with photographers: Are their correspondences respectful and kind? Do you get a feeling they will go above and beyond for you? Does your photographer offer to give you references to his or her past clients?

As I've written before, I'm writing tips to give advice and guidance to consumers in the Lower Mainland. I would like to believe I am the photographer for you, but I fully understand that Vancouver has many talented and diverse people in the business. I'm hoping the information I provide on this site will ease the difficulties of your search. As well, I hope to make you a knowledgeable and satisfied consumer of professional photography services in our area. Let me know if you have questions about this subject or any other as you go about finding the right photographer for you.

Visit my website for further more information and regularly updated content on photography tips and trends - http://www.juliapelish.com

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Beginner's Guide to Buying Vanguard Binoculars

If you are a newbie, you might be a bit hesitant when it comes to buying a pair of binoculars. Some people tend to think that it's just a very technical tool which can only be operated by pros. But the thing is, binoculars are fairly easy to use, only if you make the right preparations before getting yourself a pair. If you are the type of person who's beginning to love the outdoors and you are just itching and craving to explore the many wonders of nature, then a pair of vanguard binoculars will be perfect for you.

Vanguard binoculars are known for their flexibility. It is an all-around pair of binoculars which banks on its capacity to deflect light efficiently and focus as preferred into various viewing subjects. However, vanguard binoculars can come in different varieties and different specialties. Some of them are made for specific purposes so if you are not that familiar with operating binoculars yet, you should definitely brush of on its specifications. But all in all, a pair of vanguard binoculars is really your best bet if it is your first time to use binoculars.

The first thing you need to consider before buying yourself a pair is your purpose. As mentioned, vanguard binoculars are made for various features. When you are outdoors there are so many things you can do and there are so many activities which you can engage in. Think about the activities which you see yourself using your pair of binoculars. Will you need it as you go hunting for game? Do you simply want to have it so you can enjoy some good old bird watching? These things matter because the lenses of vanguard binoculars are made for these specific purposes. Plus there are additional protective features added on a pair depending on how extreme the activity is. An example would be a waterproof feature known to some vanguard binoculars.

After you have figured out the purpose of your binoculars, the next thing which you need to familiarize yourself with is the numbers you will see on the manuals even perhaps the package of vanguard binoculars themselves. These numbers are not just some serial code made for the product's inventory. You need to pay attention to these numbers because they indicate the most important feature of vanguard binoculars-magnification and lens diameter.

The first number you will find will pertain to the magnification capacity of the lenses. This pretty much tells you how clear and how smoothly the images will appear right before your eyes. On the other hand, the second number will typically be the lens diameter for each binocular. This is an important way of telling you just how large of an object you can view and how much light can be utilized when using the vanguard binoculars.

As soon as you got all of these in check, it's now time for you to check the price of your vanguard binoculars. An average one will cost you less than a hundred, especially if you're just looking for a simple pair with the basic features in check.

Article vanguard binoculars is written by Cassaundra Flores, owner of skyfireproducts.com

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Stun Gun Basics, Straight Up Facts

Do not make the mistake of assuming that stun guns and Tasers are one and the same. This is a misconception that many people have. So, what exactly is a stun gun and how is it used to maximize your protection?

A stun gun's main issue or benefit (depending on point of view) is that it requires direct contact with the perpetrators body to do its job. This can be a plus or a minus depending on the situation.

A stun gun gets the job done simply by inflicting pain. Although pain compliance can be extremely effective it is not a fool proof method. A stun gun is an excellent option for many different scenarios and has saved lives!

One of the particularly beneficial attributes of a stun gun is that they are not a one shot wonder. It is possible to use a stun gun multiple times on one charge. This is a giant plus in the positive column for stun guns.

So, what happens when a stun gun is implemented? The stun gun uses a small amount of current drawn from a battery. The reason this is effective is that the small amount of current is used very effectively and the actual output is much more than the draw on the battery. Technology has come a long way!

The physical response in the assailant has been described as a cramp. Make no mistake; this would be the mother of all muscle cramps. The stun gun delivers the charge with direct contact, ideally, the assailant decides the pain is not worth it and stops the attack. If the initial burst does not do the trick the victim can release another charge and continue to do so until the attacker backs off. The attacker is not generally left with any lasting effects although some bruising or minor burn marks are normal.

It is legal to carry a stun gun throughout the United States. It is a good idea to obtain some training if you are planning to carry a stun gun. Training helps to ensure that you do not endanger yourself any more than necessary. It also helps to make you more effective when using your stun gun. Just because you do not need any special permit does not mean you should carry a stun gun lightly. So, basically, a stun gun can be an excellent source of personal protection and may be a good choice for you.

Kevin Salmon is a leading expert in the self defense field and advices everyone to take extra precautions of their surroundings for potential threats as well as to carry useful self defense items such as stun guns and Taser guns. Discover how stun guns and Taser guns can save your life.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Pitch Black Contact Lens - What Other People Are Not Telling You About These Lenses

One of the most popular designs of cosmetic contact lenses is the pitch black contact lens. Superb for Halloween parties as well as great for terrifying surprise of your friends and family, those types of lenses are just the perfect choice for any adventurer.

Pitch black contact lens should normally cover your whole eye - no white should be visible. You should attain that freaky "undead" look so popular in the horror movies. Covering the well the whole eye, not leaving uncovered spots however the tricky part is when it comes to buying good contact lens.

Since there is no way to know if a certain type or brand will fit your eyes it is best to ask someone you know who already purchases similar product or just check online forums for recommendations. As with buying any other lenses it is highly recommended that you don't buy these lenses manufactured by an unknown company - investing some extra money in them can save you prom various eye problems that may be caused by wearing bad quality lenses.

Wearing these lenses is great fun indeed, but there is one more issue for you to consider. Since they are dark and cover your whole eye, they practically have the same effect as sun glasses - darken your vision. So even if you wear them in a well light room you may still be unable to see objects properly. If you plan wearing your contact lens in darker rooms make sure you have someone to help you move around or just be extra careful not to injure yourself.

Finally some word about safety. Pitch black contact lens should not stay in your eye for longer periods of time and you should clean them before and after use using suitable solutions. If you feel any type of irritation when you first put them on or during the time they are in your eyes, remove them as soon as possible and consult a doctor. These lenses are safe to use and still some people may be allergic or just inconvenient using them. If you happen to be one of those, don't despair - there are still many other special effect cosmetic lenses available for you to try.

For more information on Acuvue Color Contacts, please visit http://www.FastContactLens.com/ which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand contact lenses and make a good contact lens selection.

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