Do you find it challenging to discuss your fees or prices with potential clients? Does traditional sales language such as "front end," "back end," "up sell" - even "sell" - make you cringe?
If your answer is "Yes," this may be very good and I'll tell you why. But first rest assured that "YOU ARE NOT ALONE." In fact, you are in the majority. Why do you think selling is so hard? It's because selling is not natural - it goes against our desires to be genuine, to connect with others and to create authentic relationships.
Don't Worry: You Don't Have to Sell to Succeed
There is a key to getting your products and services out to a wider audience that will sky rocket your success. It is something that is 100% natural, more powerful than any sales pitch you could ever master and so effective that it leaves selling in the dust.
This key is not even in the same paradigm as selling. And here is an insider's secret - selling is becoming the dinosaur of our age. Before I get to this key, there are three pre-requisites for its effectiveness.
- You have to honestly believe in the value of your service or product.
- You have to connect with your innate desires to be in relationship and to serve. AND
- You have to be willing to be authentic.
Here's the Key You've Been Waiting For
The key is Soul Marketing.
When you market with soul, the relationship with the person in front of you becomes paramount and you have a desire to contribute to the quality of their life.
You become a gift bearer. You offer prospective and current clients your services, products, financial information and agreements. And you offer the gift of your authentic presence and attention. This natural key to success can be measured both in dollars and in soul satisfaction.
First, the real reason we are in business is to serve. As entrepreneurs, artists, speakers, writers or CEO's we do that by contributing to the abundance, fulfillment and joy of our clients.
Second, we each have a Divine Mission to fulfill. No one else can do what you do the way you do it. You may have the same product or the same service to offer but your way of offering it will be entirely unique. If you know what your Divine Mission is, wonderful.
Use this as the lens through which you do everything. If you don't yet know simply follow your passion for now and do what you love, what makes you come alive. You'll always be on the right track if you do.
And third, there is a specific population that you are meant to serve. You may have heard this called your target market, your ideal or your choice clients.
I call this population "your people." It is "your people" who are ready for your message, your services and/or your products. It is they who will connect with you and for whom you will make the biggest difference. And imagine this - they're looking for you whether they know it or not.
They will only find you, and you can only have the impact you are meant to have if they know about you and what you have to offer. A part of your job is to let them know. You were never meant to "sell" your services or products but to offer them in the spirit of love and service.
Then There's the Money
The money part of the transaction fulfills the universal principle of exchange. You discuss your prices and offer your invoices in the same spirit. It's a natural part of the relationship.
Money is simply an exchange for value given. It allows people to invest in themselves and in what matters most to them. And it allows you to care for yourself and get your services and products out to a wider audience - to serve and to have a greater impact. So forget selling! Market with Soul instead by creating relationships - letting people get to know you and what you have to offer. You have a mission; you have a unique message, services and products; and you are meant to serve. Market with Soul and you'll have the time of your life.
Step Into Your Greatness and Market with Soul: Succeed in a soul satisfying way, without selling.
Reggie Odom CPCC, PCC, founder of Inspired Works, is known as the Passion and Authenticity Coach. She is a lecturer at the Simmons College School of Social Work and faculty member of the National Institute of Whole Health. Reggie is considered a master teacher and unforgettable speaker. She inspires and empowers professionals and solopreneurs to create a passionate, authentic life and business! She can be contacted at (617)524-6153,, or you can visit her web site at
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