Mirror tinted contact lenses are among the radical innovations introduced with today’s technology. Surprisingly however, while being a fresh concept, mirror tinted contact lenses could have existed decades ago with its not-at-all-new technology. But they didn’t.
Mirror tinted contact lenses are the biggest hype and the hottest topic of interest with today’s party loving Americans, and the attention it’s getting is what made the innovation fresh. And even without those typical undue revelries, these fancy and crazy eye wear are getting second looks as useful proponents suited for daily use.
Mirror tinted contact lenses can be tailored even to reflect UV rays, much similar to sunglasses. It can go even further, darkening in texture if there is too much light, while lightening in the absence of such. It can also be adapted to cater particular needs, such as color enhancing contact lenses that afford more vision to objects. One instance is using yellow enhancement contact lenses for tennis play that would brighten yellow objects like the ball while muting other colors. Same physics would apply with baseball players; a streaking white ball will be easier to spot in a fraction of a second while using specialized lenses. If truth be told and barring production complications, MaxSight will be available for interested ball players that will help filter out blue light so that the white ball stands out better in a moving environment. This blue light filter is similar to the technique employed while filming Sleepy Hollow, where the movie was showing significantly dark and eerie atmosphere even while being shot in clear daylight.
Aside from that, mirror tinted contact lenses have been garnering attention for some time already for cosmetic reasons. By large, the orders for mirror contact lenses are non-corrective, called Plano lenses, and are frequently disposable. Perhaps the biggest influence for these type of mirror tinted contact lenses came from Riddick from the movie “Pitch Black” and its sequel “The Chronicles of Riddick” where the most striking feature of the anti-hero is his silver tinted eye referred to a number of instances, as eyeshine.
Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Skin Care and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Acne Treatment web site. For more articles and resources on Skin Care related topics, Acne Treatments, Natural Skin Care Products and much more visit his site at =>http://skin-care.need-to-know.net/