วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Vellux Blankets - An Allergy Sufferers Dream

If you are like me and suffer from miserable allergies, a vellux blanket may be your answer for bedding problems. It makes for a great year round blanket. Here are some tips on how a vellux blanket can help.

Finding a good hypoallergenic blanket can often times be difficult at best. So many of these blankets and linens just don't stand up to the wash machine, let alone the every day use on a child's bed.
Vellux has so many benefits including:

-Hypoallergenic and withstands dust mites

-Very durable and long lasting

-Extremely soft and lightweight

-Low cost compared to other blankets

The vellux blanket is made up of nylon surface hairs. In fact, you'll find these blankets containing millions of nylon hairs. These hairs are in addition to polyurethane foam that also gives the blanket its soft feel.

You will also discover that this type of blanket is in use at many of this nations finer hotels. It reflects the type of quality and durability you can expect.

One of the most unique aspects of this blanket is how it gets softer as you wash it in the wash machine.

For those who are more hot blooded in nature, the vellux blanket is a great alternative to heavy comforters for sleeping at night.

Of course, protecting your family from dust mites and allergies is what separates this blanket from the rest. And you'll find that when it comes time for doing just that, the vellux blanket is at the top f the list.

So, if you are looking for a hypoallergenic blanket that is also soft and durable, take a look at the vellux blanket.

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You can learn more about Vellux Blankets as well as much more information on all types of blankets at http://www.BlanketsA-Z.com

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