The fight for original content on the internet is at it's height. Search engines are cracking down hard on sites who do not update their content in some way over a period of time.
Thats a hard reality for many online businesses. Text that has served them well in the past and is indeed still bringing in the punters is changed with great reluctance but the reality still remains that the search engines want a dynamic and varied content on the internet.
Search engines such as google and yahoo are constantly devising new ways to test content and to religate those who would rather spend time on new projects rather than investing in sites they created a year or more ago.
What a lot of site owners don't realize is that there is more than one definition of content. It can be very costly to have a copy writer write new articles or pitch content for web pages, sometimes running into hundreds, in some cases thousands of dollars.
What a lot of businesses and webmasters don't realize is that they can easily and cheaply add or change the content of web pages through the use of photographs.
For as little as $20 dollars per photo the difference between maintaining those high ranking positions and dropping to inconsequential places, can be determined.
Photographs play many roles in the advertising world. We tend to think of a picture as something that shows us what we may want to buy but that is only part of the usage of photos. Photos are used to illustrate in much more subtle ways.
Photographs are often set to create moods and general interest in a subject that is designed to associate the visitor to the particular theme. A bit like bait to a fish. Fashion companies often use this type of photograph to make statements that will draw sympathy and support from their target market.
For the search engine spiders that crawl through the internet content at regular intervals, a photograph is as much a piece of content as a piece of text. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.
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