From the beginning, you should be focusing on gradually and continuously improve the way you play guitar. What I mean is that learning new exercises, pieces and techniques is not the only thing you should care about to learn and master guitar. Of course you have to do that. Learning to play more exercises is not all you need to do. You must focus on other things too.
First things first
First of all, you should never forget about sound quality. I wrote about it in a previous article. Stress on this point will never be excessive. Then you must always perceive a gradual and continuous growth in finger dexterity. I am talking about the fingers of both hands, left and right. You should notice, too, that you find it easier to play previously learned exercises, studies and pieces. And that you can learn, with somewhat less effort, new ones.
What you should be discovering
But, you are learning to play music on your guitar. Not just guitar sounds. Though it may be the best sound. So, along with your finger mastering, you will need to develop musical sense and taste. Musical sense is a lot more than hearing skills to determine a good instrument tuning or the technical perfection of a performance. Musical sense is more feeling than acoustics. It is emotion. It is kind of hearing with the soul. If you do not feel something pressing in your guts, it is not music; it is just sound. If you do no get a sense of peace, joy, sadness or reverie, you are not listening to music; you are listening to just sound.
How to develop musical perception
Now, as you keep a steady growth about your technical skills, start defining and increasing your appreciation of the musical value of all the music you listen to, and of course, the music you play. Avoid the habit of turning the CD player on, to play some music (sounds) you do not listen to. Set apart some daily time (a few minutes will do fine) when you will listen to music. Choose a music type matching your mood at the moment. Then relax, sit down comfortably and start trying to discover every emotional trait of what you are hearing.
Emotions may be fired up by a particular instrument pitch, by a melodic phrase, by a harmonic combination of notes, by a rhythmic sequence. Or even by a precise silence. Listen very carefully, trying to be aware of all of them, and catching the moment when one or several of them push the emotional button within yourself. It will not be easy, on the beginning, but if you keep trying, you will get it. Take it for sure.
So, if you want to learn and master guitar, go and start right now!
Luis BONVIN has a life of guitar playing and teaching. To further discover how quickly and easily you can learn and master guitar, please visit his Free Guitar Lessons Online For Beginners Website at Learn and Master Guitar, and his Free Easy Guitar Lessons Online Squidoo Lens.